When I was 3 or 4 years old, with all the boldness that the innocent possess, I dashed into my closet, donned my Superman outfit, and jumped out of my bedroom window.
I don’t remember now, 40-some years later, how I dealt with the disappointment I must have felt along with the bruises, but I've kept my feet on the ground since then.
I once shook the hand of Roy Rogers. I still have my Roy Rogers lunch box.

I like to paint in my spare time. Unfortunately with lots of books to write and draw, a busy family and everything else, I have very little free time.
The nitty-gritty:
I once shook the hand of Roy Rogers. I still have my Roy Rogers lunch box.
As a kid I wore a cowboy hat everywhere. Especially during the week my family spent riding the range on a ranch in Wyoming which was owned by the painter Bob Meyers. I fell off that big horse twice.
I vividly remember certain events as a boy that drove me to become an artist. The first time I pulled N C Wyeth's ‘Treasure Island’ off the library shelves. Visiting Chicago’s Palette and Chisel Club with my dad and feeling submerged in that lovely smell of oil paint.
I have some weird hobbies.
Years ago, as I picked up my tired little daughter from pre-school, I asked her how her day went. “We did art,” she sighed. “It was tufficult.” I know just how she feels.
My daughter has a Leopard Gecko that dines on crickets. Sometimes they escape and the house sounds like a swamp.

I like to paint in my spare time. Unfortunately with lots of books to write and draw, a busy family and everything else, I have very little free time.
The nitty-gritty:
Contact me: paul@paulschmidstudio.com
My agent: Steven Malk, smalk@WritersHouse.com 858-678-8767.
Buy my books.
Condensed bio:
Paul Schmid is the author and illustrator of 'A Pet for Petunia', 'Petunia Goes Wild', 'Hugs from Pearl', 'Perfectly Percy', and 'Oliver and his Alligator'. Paul also illustrated The Wonder Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, and 'Peanut and Fifi Have A Ball', by Randall de Seve. He lives in Seattle. You can visit him online at www.paulschmidstudio.com
About the Sendak Fellowship:
In the fall of 2010 I was invited to spend a month in Connecticut with Maurice Sendak and three other emerging picture book artists. We worked. We talked about illustration. We worked. We walked with Maurice and his huge German Shepherd, Herman. We worked more. We had a great time. I miss Maurice more than I can say.
Paul’s work has been honored by The Society of Illustrators, Communication Arts magazine, Print Magazine, and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.